Emergency Relief for slum Girl Domestic workers and Vulnerable children due to COVID19

Project Duration | 20th May- 15th August 2020 |
Funding organization | SHAPLA NEER
Development partner : Ek Rong Ek Ghuri as distribution channel |
Project Goal | |
Project Purpose | |
Project Output | |
Project working areas |
Beneficiary/Stakeholder | Direct supported beneficiaries: Total 101 persons. Among them 98 are children and 3 are supporting staff of existing GDW project.
Indirect supported Beneficiaries: 101 person* standard family member 4 person= 404 person |
Short description | Bangladesh is also now affected by Novel Corona Virus. This virus is already spread like pandemic. Due to COVID-19, Dhaka become most vulnerable place of Bangladesh as Dhaka is the central area and overcrowded city. According to Ministry of Health, around 83% of effected people are resident of Dhaka. As well as, from 26th March’2020 Government announced general leave to fight COVID-19. As a result, Dhaka is fully lockdown and all kind of day labour, Domestic Workers and other low wages people were jobless. As there was no option to earn money, so that these daily labour or poor people are passing their days without proper food. Some of the organizations or individuals have given some food item as relief which is very few for them. To collect food, they have tried to go outside but there is no option to earn.
Moreover, Due to COVID-19, All residential areas of Dhaka city are full locked down and Area Management people have given entry restriction for outsiders. So, Domestic Workers lost their jobs and they have no option for income now. Though this slum people are getting some help from local Leaders and some organizations but this not enough for pass every day’s food need. Child labours and slum children are most affected by this situation. Some child domestic workers have passed their day with just rice, or flattered rice (chira) or puffed rice (muri) in some area where Phulki’s centers were running. This is very clear that domestic workers and child labour are one of vulnerable cluster in city now. So, Phulki seek for relief to give these vulnerable child labour and children domestic area. Phulki always believes on a good support for children. So, during COVID-19 Phulki took measures so fast. After getting approval, Phulki arranged all things and distributed relief so fast. |
Major Achievements | According to field visit by Phulki staff and Ek Ronga Ek Ghuri staffs Phulki made beneficiaries list and make an agreement with Ek Ronga Ek Ghuri to distribute relief to Sobhanbag targeted beneficiaries.
On 24th June 2020, Phulki distributed relief at slum besides Arambag residential area under Rupnagar police station and Sobhanbag center besides Sobhanbag D-type Government staff quarter under Sher-E-Bangla police station. Ek Ronga Ek Ghuri operated and also distributed relief among children of Phulki Sobhanbag center and children of Ek Ronga Ek Ghuri Children. Phulki team gave relief among 101 persons. Relief items were rice, Lentil, oil, flour, Semolina, sugar, salt and soap and provided relief with maintaining social distance properly, so that area people were very pleased. Some of slum children shared that, their parents have no job. Even they could not pay house rent also. Their father cannot buy rations for every day. They are really passing hard time. Another child’s mother shard that they can use this given ration for around 15 days which is very helpful for them. Another GDW’s mother shared that, employer disagree to appoint her and her daughter in work is because they lived in slum and now it is risk to allow outsiders in home. Now she works in one home instead of 5/6 home. As a result, her income dropped in a drastic way. So, this ration will help their family a lot. She thanked to Phulki. Area Management Committee appreciated Phulki’s initiative. |