Children’s Rights in the Workplace Programme for the Garment Manufacturers

Project Duration | November 2016 – May 2018 |
Funding organization | UNICEF |
Project Goal | The project goal is to establish a better workplaces that improves the situation of their workers and identify a sustainable change through ensuring children’s rights and business principals at their respective workplaces. |
Project Purpose | |
Project Output | |
Project working areas | Total 10 factories located in Gazipur, Savar area. |
Beneficiary/Stakeholder | RMG Workers, Children’s of the RMG Workers, Factory Owners. |
Short description | Successful implementation of this programme will help the business communities to achieve a number of benefits, including strengthening companies’ reputation (both among business partners and employees), reduced staff turnover and absenteeism, better worker engagement and increased productivity.
We also foresee that this programme will generate best practices that will be used to advocate for policy changes and implementation at government and global market level. As such, participation of every company will allow them to be part of a coalition of companies advocating for sustainable change in the supply chain in Bangladesh. The project broadly covers Introduction to Child Rights & Business Programme, 10 principles of CRBP, 10 modules of awareness for the RMG workers and the implementation process by a presentation by Phulki team. This project is funded by UNICEF, designed by UNICEF and CCR CSR and technical support will be provided by CCR CSR and UNICEF. |
Major Achievements | This Program has successfully increase awareness and knowledge level for the RMG workers. Till 2017
– 3 FP corners; 10 SRHR Information Corners – 7817 persons from garment factory received health care service – 8 referral linkages – Induction in Narayangonj web portal – Availability of SRHR product (Sanitary Napkins) to RMG |